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Fitopoly is a serious game project built using Articulate Storyline 2 and animated video trailer built using PowerPoint.

Development Summary

Made With

Articulate Storyline 2

Time in Development

About 25 hours

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Learning Experience Designer and Developer


LX Design, eLearning Development, Graphic Design, Animated Video, Conceptualising Ideas and Prototyping

Custom Serious Game Development

Inspired by the edHeads Design a Cell Phone game, over the course of about 2 weeks, I designed a game that puts users in the role of a product designer that needs to create a wearable to fit the needs of their target consumer: office workers looking to move more and get fit. Over the course of the game, the user can review research and design parameters, design and redesign the final product by choosing features that affect cost and battery life, and get feedback from a panel of testers. At the end, they have their product produced and get feedback with sales figures. Importantly, this game utilizes the CCAF framework to motivate users and provide a challenge and meaningful feedback.

Read more about the project.
Research phase to suss out what users want
Results phase after testingt

Video Design and Creation

In the process of interviewing for a position, I had a conversation with another instructional designer about the microlearning video she creates for her organization. From what I understood, the pace of work there meant that, for the most part, what they ended up doing was simply narrating bulleted PowerPoint slides and recording that with Camtasia. That got the old wheels turning as I asked myself, “How would I seek to improve on a product like that?”

This video demonstrates my approach to taking a rapid microlearning creation process to the next level with conversational narration and animation.