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The Commonplace Book
September 21, 2015
Earlier this month, I read this article by Shane Parrish at Farnam Street about the commonplace book…
August/September GDS Challenge: Mell Hammer Detective Agency
September 17, 2015
It’s taken the better part of a month and a half, but I’m finally shipping my Carmen Sandiego-like…
The T-Shaped Instructional Designer
September 14, 2015
I don’t know if you ever get this feeling, but sometimes, I worry about not being able to see the…
All Work and Then Rest
September 10, 2015
I recently finished Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work. I thoroughly enjoyed this short read and I’d…
The Storyteller
September 07, 2015
As I continued reading Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work, I was struck by his suggestion to document all…
Giving Critical Feedback: We Need More of It
September 03, 2015
A few days ago, this super interesting comment popped up in my Twitter feed: It’s hard to build a…
Seriously Though, The Answer is "Make Stuff"
August 31, 2015
I lurk pretty often on the Instructional Design subreddit, which if you haven’t checked it out, I…
How Not to Be an Instructional Design Professional
August 27, 2015
I just started reading Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work book and I decided I would share my insights…
The Other Side of Constraints
August 24, 2015
To my shame, I missed writing last week and I don’t think I’ll be able to ship my Carmen Sandiego…
August Go Design Something Challenge: Carmen Sandiego-Like
August 13, 2015
For my August GDS Challenge, I decided that I wanted to tackle the K-12 environment. At this point…
Engaging Animated Video in PowerPoint
August 10, 2015
Last post, I posited that, for microlearning type video, you could easily create a more engaging…
Look Ma I'm Learnin': FreeCodeCamp Exact Change Bonfire
August 06, 2015
It’s that time again: the time where I exalt in my ability to do something that, at the beginning of…