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Conversations at the Office: Free vs Paid Support

July 26, 2016

So, new job, new office. New and actually pretty interesting conversations going on. One of the ones…

Dear ID Show: Interview with Jed Esposito

July 21, 2016

This episode, I talk with Jed Esposito, an amazing ID I met in an ID social media group. He talks to…

Go Design Something Challenges

July 19, 2016

So, I tried to theme Wordpress for the first time taking my inspiration from the super awesome…

Dear ID Show: Interview with Jane Bozarth

July 14, 2016

In this episode, I talk with Jane Bozarth, instructional designer, presenter, and author. She gives…

What are the Stress Cases in LX Design?

July 12, 2016

Having devoured Cal Newport’s Deep Work, I moved on to a smaller volume, Design for Real Life by…

The Dear ID Show: Interview with Ashley Chiasson

July 07, 2016

Today’s guest is Ashley Chiasson, an incredible instructional designer, author, and presenter…

Instructional Designers are Solutions Architects

July 05, 2016

A couple of weekends ago, I had an amazing sit down with Craig Wiggins, (you’ll hear from him on the…

The Dear ID Show: Side Project Marketing

June 30, 2016

As a follow up to our interview with James Finder, I wanted to share some insight about side…

Showing Your Work: Using a New Method

June 28, 2016

A couple of weeks ago, I was kicking around ideas on revamping with new and…

Dear Instructional Designer Show!: Interview with James Finder

June 23, 2016

Today’s interview is with James Finder, an ID I met on the instructional design subreddit. James is…

What I'm Learning from my Open Source Contributing Experience

June 21, 2016

I’m rolling up on 5 months of contributing to Oppia, the open source tool for creating personalized…

Dear ID Show! Interview with Rachel Barnum

June 16, 2016

Today’s interview is with Rachel Barnum, a really awesome instructional designer who I’ve followed…